MediCorp on maximum alert
Since the confirmation of the Kingfisher’s destruction by the anomaly nicknamed Taranis, MediCorp has been preparing for a major catastrophe but admits that humanity is probably not ready for what could happen. The worst-case scenario is being considered by the NGO.
“Dramatic and unprecedented choices will have to be made by MediCorp.”
Driven by pacifist and diplomatic ambitions, more than 3000 people were on board the Kingfisher when it was destroyed on November 24. Immediately, MediCorp rescuers rushed to the scene to recover a large number of escape pods despite extreme danger. MediCorp reports that several rescue ships were destroyed by Thargoids during the rescue operations.
The situation on site seems dramatic, and the readings from the black boxes are particularly worrisome. The black boxes revealed several recorded discussions on the command bridge. One of them emphasizes that ‘Taranis far surpasses any [of our] spaceports.’ This information prompted a response from the NGO.
Mr. Gonzalo Rios-Bray spoke with gravity this morning:
The situation in the Hyades Sector YO-Q b5-1 system, where the Kingfisher was found, is dire and exceeds even our most pessimistic predictions. It is not my habit to be worried or defeatist, but if what we have learned in this system proves accurate, I fear that humanity is not ready for the looming cataclysm. Eight anomalies are converging towards inhabited systems at a rapid pace. If the calculations are correct and the trajectories remain the same, they should arrive in the very near future in inhabited systems, putting hundreds of billions of individuals at risk.
The worst-case scenario that MediCorp is preparing for is a massive attack in dozens of systems simultaneously. Undoubtedly, it will not be possible to intervene in such extensive areas with so many victims. If this scenario proves accurate, dramatic and unprecedented choices will have to be made by MediCorp in prioritizing its interventions. Consequently, the number of victims will exceed anything we have experienced so far.
We hope to be wrong, but it is highly likely that humanity is facing its greatest threat in the coming days since our appearance on Earth. Therefore, we will prepare for the worst, hoping that it does not come to pass. That is all we can do, I fear.
Gonzalo Rios-Bray

Kalak Prepares for Impact
For now, MediCorp is making thorough preparations. The organization has notified us that all leaves have been suspended, and all rescuers will remain on standby for the coming weeks. An appeal has been issued for rescuers to join Kalak if possible. Indeed, it is in this system that rescue operations will be coordinated in the event of an attack. However, a second site, whose exact location has not been revealed, has been set up in case of Kalak’s destruction. According to certain sources, this backup system would be located in Colonia and would be coordinated by a rescuer newly dispatched to this sector of the galaxy.
As for the Hippocrates and the Louis Pasteur, they were refueled this morning to their maximum Tritium capacity to ensure they can move even if the fuel depots in neighboring systems were destroyed. Moreover, rescuers can deposit simple medicines, survival equipment, food cartridges, emergency shelters, and water purifiers on board the Louis Pasteur to build up significant stocks.
Finally, there is a tense and worrying atmosphere in Kalak for the populations, as security forces recommended this morning to limit all movements until further notice, stay informed about the news, and prepare food and water reserves for the best possible readiness.
The Kalaktic