While the Mercy fleet carrier continues its preparations to establish itself in Colonia as an advanced medical facility away from the frontlines of the war, mysterious information is circulating about it. More precisely, about the owner of the fleet carrier, about whom very little is known. MediCorp has remained relatively discreet about the commander who made the medical ship available, emphasizing that the project takes precedence over financial and management aspects.

For several weeks, large quantities of medical supplies have been delivered aboard the Mercy for its equipment and provisioning. MediCorp has indicated that the desired quantities have all been delivered, and the ship will soon be ready for departure.

However, according to some anonymous sources, other goods are expected on the fleet carrier. It appears that several commanders have received messages directly in their personal inboxes inviting them to contact a commander to ‘learn more.’

MediCorp has denied all of this information, labeling it as quite fanciful and emphasizing that the NGO is only the agent of the Mercy, part of which is not accessible to them according to the terms of the signed contract.

Therefore, the questions extend beyond MediCorp, with eyes turning towards the mysterious and very discreet owner of the Mercy.

Kalaktic has decided to conduct an investigation, and we will share the results with our readers.