Medicorp unveiled today a new emergency and healthcare shelter called Sphereguard-Nexus. The launch of this new facility from the NGO was expedited due to the earthquake in Rhea. It is likely that the mass production of this sphere will take place rapidly.
Research and Development at Medicorp becomes a priority.
The engineers at Medicorp’s R&D laboratories presented their new project this afternoon, emphasizing the acceleration of research in various other developments. Kits for medical care, scanners, and medical imaging tools (see image of the Medicorp VT75 scanner below), crates for storing and transporting drugs in all conditions, etc., were quickly mentioned. A new type of robot, complementing the Laennec series, is also in the testing phase. It would be a crawler-type robot designed to operate on planetary surfaces rather than in space like the Laennec.
Prototype of the portable scanner “Medicorp VT75”
A refuge & medical sphere
The Sphereguard-Nexus has been introduced by the teams in charge of the project. It is a sphere that can accommodate several medical beds or, in its habitat version, all the necessities for 2 families. These spheres are fully autonomous and can be assembled in less than a day. They are transported in crates that can be loaded onto ships and do not require special transport. Their shape, at first glance, might raise questions. The R&D teams have addressed this:
The spherical shape was not the first one we thought of; we initially considered more conventional forms (see the prototype image below). However, when we tested our shelters in challenging meteorological environments, the spherical shape gradually became the preferred choice. Gravity, the sometimes titanic force of winds on certain planets, and occasionally unstable terrain requiring minimal contact with the surface gradually led us to the chosen shape. These spheres are shelters of an entirely new generation, and there are already two versions: a medical version with the possibility of installing an operating room or a trauma care center, and a ‘civilian’ version, offering emergency shelter for two families for as long as needed.
Medicorp then announced that a much larger version is under consideration: a ‘sphere-district’ the size of a large hospital.
For now, no date has been provided for the availability of the Sphereguard-Nexus, but it seems that it could be quite fast.