MediCorp – The Origins

(Re)birth of MediCorp

In the continuation of our Grand Investigation on Alvinia de Messalina, the Kalactic suggests revisiting the (re)birth of MediCorp. Rebirth or Birth? The question is legitimate, and our reporter, Iris THAUMAS, already behind the previous investigation, might surprise you: Was MediCorp founded under the impulse of the former spokesperson of the Black Birds, or is it a much older organization?


ADM – The Great Investigation 3/3

[Part 3] Déméter, INRA & the LAB

In the previous parts, we have been able to examine what led Alvinia de Messalina to flee the Consilium and establish her Horde as well as MediCorp. However, the conclusion of our investigation has highlighted the very foundation of the motivations of the former spokesperson after her defection.

Illustration: Kaminska de Messalina


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[Part 2] The Horde & the foundation of MediCorp

The first part of our article has provided context, with the usual reservations, for the events that led to Alvinia de Messalina’s departure from the Consilium. Paradoxically, while it was easier to investigate the Consilium, everything related to the time of ADM’s Horde remains more confusing. The era, the sequence of events, and the few written traces likely explain this observation.

As an illustration: Doctor Marion Na’thai


ADM – The Great Investigation 1/3

[Part 1] From Consilium Spokesperson to Fugitive

Since the arrival of MediCorp in May 3304 in Kalak, our journal has launched an investigative unit to try to paint a complete and as objective picture as possible of this non-governmental organization that has transformed our system in such a short time. While there is no question of questioning the legitimacy and effectiveness of MediCorp’s humanitarian and rescue actions, it seemed essential to us to investigate and report to the public what we have discovered. Such is our role, our responsibility.
